New Postal Address: Dr. Daniel Green, CBAT Director Hoffman Lab 209 20 Oxford St. Cambridge, MA 02138 U.S.A. E-mail CBATIAU@EPS.HARVARD.EDU
The Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams and the Minor Planet Center are services of the International Astronomical Union. The former issues the IAU Circulars (IAUCs), a series of postcard notices giving information about astronomical phenomena requiring prompt dissemination, particularly novae, supernovae, comets, and unusual minor planets; the CBAT also now issues the Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams, an e-mailed source of such information. More complete information on comets and minor planets is published in the Minor Planet Circulars (abbreviated MPCs and also known as Minor Planets and Comets), which are issued by the Minor Planet Center, generally in monthly batches. The Central Bureau's Telegram service was discontinued in 1993 (though, as noted above, an "Electronic Telegram" service was begun in late 2002).
Note that paid subscriptions are no longer accepted by the SAO, as of January 2010. Details about the handling of subscriptions by a subscription agency will also be announced soon; until that point (presumably sometime in the second half of 2010, but probably not before October), credit-card payments cannot be accepted. However, it is possible now to "wire" bank transfers from your bank to our bank. Questions and checks for subscriptions should be sent to the new addresses at Harvard/EPS given above and below. Note that the CBAT has long had (and continues to maintain) a policy of no refunds.
Questions should be sent to the CBAT Director at the address given above. The rates are as given below, and checks can be sent to the Director at the address above, with checks payable to "Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams", in U.S. dollars and drawn on a U.S. bank. Be sure to include your 5-digit account number with any payment, and be sure to say if payment is for printed IAUCs, for electronic IAUCs/CBETs, or for both.
In the table below, "CS" (Computer Service) means computer access to the IAUCs via the Web (and IAUCs and CBETs can be e-mailed to the CS subscriber). The term "IAUC" below refers to printed IAU Circulars only. Note also the section below on institutional rates: Any subscriber who allows more than four readers to have access to the electronic IAUCs should subscribe at a fair higher rate (the rates tabulated below are for license type 1 accounts [see below for definitions of license type]).
The regular (invoiced) rates in US dollars, with some examples of combinations, are as follows:
Months CS IAUC IAUC+CS 1 10.00 15.00 25.00 6 60.00 90.00 150.00 12 120.00 180.00 300.00
The special (uninvoiced) rates in US dollars, with some examples of combinations, are as follows:
Months CS IAUC IAUC+CS 1 6.00 9.00 15.00 6 36.00 54.00 90.00 12 72.00 108.00 180.00
Groups who wish to subscribe to the electronic IAUCs should subscribe at a fair higher rate (the rates tabulated above are for individuals). A licensing system has been implemented to ease the management of institutional rates. An individual license is type 1, intended for 1 to 4 readers. Other license types, listed below, are intended for more readers. A license type of N multiplies the cost of the CS by N (e.g., a type 4 license costs 4x as much as the cost quoted in the table above).
License type # readers License type # readers 1 1 - 4 7 91 - 130 2 5 - 10 8 131 - 180 3 11 - 20 9 181 - 250 4 21 - 30 10 251 - 320 5 31 - 60 11 321 - 400 6 61 - 90 12 401 -Institutions, in particular, are asked to request the appropriate license type when starting or renewing subscriptions.
Note that adjusting a license type for an existing subscription will cause the expiry date for that account to change.
Note that the CBAT maintains a policy of no refunds at any time for unused portions of subscriptions paid. For institutions that have severe financial problems for subscriptions such as this, some compromise can be worked out with the CBAT (upon request).
When enquiring about their accounts,