Circular No. 2293 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. Cable Address: SATELLITES, NEWYORK Western Union: RAPID SATELLITE CAMBMASS COMET BENNETT (1969i) Dr. R. L. Waterfield, Woolston Observatory, sends the following precise positions. On July 14 there was a wide, curved, fan tail 30' long in p.a. 310o. No tail was noted on Aug. 31 and Sept. 23, these plates being measured by G. H. Rutter. 1970 UT R.A. (1950) Decl. m1 July 14.99546 4 23 34.45 +73 24 40.1 10.5 Aug. 31.89136 4 18 29.21 +81 13 14.6 12.0 Sept.23.86038 1 40 30.09 +83 04 38.3 12.8 SUPPRESSED DIGITS IN THE TELEGRAPHIC CODE Following the note on IAUC 2275 we have temporarily adopted the slash (/) to represent a suppressed digit in an astronomical telegram. On the whole, this choice seems to have been more satisfactory than previous choices, although trouble has arisen when a complete group of five slashes has been transmitted. This most typically happens when supernova reports, where the time (decimals of a day) of observation is often unspecified. If the time of observation is not specified, we there propose to omit the whole group from the telegram: since the second checksum now identifies the groups containg right ascension, declination and magnitude information, this omission will not lead to any ambiguity. In the case of approximate positions the first figure of the magnitude group is always redundant, and we propose now to use a zero (0) for this character. For the time being, we propose that the slash should still be used for suppressed information elsewhere in the messages: any reasonable alternative would involve transfers between numeric and alphabetic mode on teletype machines, and this can cause errors. Telegram subscribers are invited to comment on this matter of suppressed digits--or any other aspect of the telegraphic code. Several subscribers have recently requested copies of a revised code manual, incorporating also the second and third points on IAUC 2187. Preparation of the revised manual is being deferred until the suppressed digit problem (which is by no means new; see, for example, UAIC 765, 772, 792 and 1021) has been completely resolved. 1970 December 4 (2293) Brian G. Marsden
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