Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

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IAUC 2797: 1975h; 1973l

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                                                  Circular No. 2797
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.

     Dr. K. Osawa, Director of the Tokyo Astronomical Observatory,
has cabled the observation by Matsumoto et al. below of a "probable"
comet discovered by Toru Kobayashi, Imadate, Fukui; no motion was
specified.  The comet was independently discovered by Douglas
Berger, Union City, California; and Dr. D. E. Osterbrock, Director
of the Lick Observatory, reports observations by E. A. Harlan and
A. R. Klemola.  A further independent discovery has been made by
Dennis Milon, observing from Mount Washburn, Wyoming.

     1975 UT          R. A. (1950) Decl.     m1     Observer
     July  2.70903   21 47.0     - 7 24      8      Matsumoto et al.
           5.34028   21 39       - 4         7      Berger
           5.4357    21 39.0     - 3 49      7      Harlan
           6.32778   21 36.1     - 2 27      7      Klemola
           6.35069   21 36       - 2.5       7      Berger
           6.46597   21 35.5     - 2 13             Klemola
           6.50694   21 32.0     - 2 20      9      Yoshida
           7.35417   21 33       - 0 40      7.5    Milon

Matsumoto, Fujii and Harada (Japan).  Object diffuse without
   condensation or nucleus, nothing reported about a tail.
D. Berger (Union City, California).  Object diffuse with condensation
   (more diffuse on July 6 than on July 5).
E. A. Harlan and A. R. Klemola (Lick Observatory).  10-cm camera
   and 51-cm double astrograph.  Object diffuse with condensation,
   tail < 1o.
Yoshida (Japan).  Object diffuse without condensation, nothing
   reported about a tail.  Communicated by K. Osawa.
D. Milon (Mount Washburn, Wyoming).  Object diffuse with condensation,
   no tail.  Coma diameter 10'.  Hourly motion 6' northward.

     Observations by R. E. McCrosky and G. Schwartz at Harvard
Observatory's Agassiz Station (plates measured by J. H. Bulger):

     1975 UT             R. A. (1950) Decl.        Observer
     Apr. 18.10537    12 25 32.56   + 3 07 13.2    McCrosky
          29.14348    12 20 39.34   + 3 29 31.1    Schwartz

1975 July 7                    (2797)              Brian G. Marsden

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