Circular No. 2867 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. Cable Address: SATELLITES, NEWYORK Western Union: RAPID SATELLITE CAMBMASS OCCULTATION OF 4C -06.34 BY VENUS G. E. Taylor, H.M. Nautical Almanac Office, writes that recent measures, at Gainesville, Florida, and Cambridge, England, both indicate that the assumed declination of the radio source 4C -06.34 is in error by about six times the quoted probable error of 5". Consequently, the occultation by Venus, predicted as being observable from North and South America on Nov. 30 (Handb. Br. Astron. Assoc. for 1975), will not be observable from anywhere on the earth. COMET MORI-SATO-FUJIKAWA (1975j) The following precise positions have been reported: 1975 UT R. A. (1950) Decl. m1 Observer Oct. 30.18495 8 36 39.98 -15 30 07.8 8.9 Milet 30.20122 8 36 40.40 -15 31 04.1 " Nov. 2.81771 8 38 06.78 -19 07 45.7 9 Tomita 2.82014 8 38 06.93 -19 07 55.3 " 3.72503 8 38 25.51 -20 04 24.6 Koishikawa 3.77778 8 38 26.49 -20 07 41.5 " 3.80868 8 38 26.88 -20 09 40.5 9 Tomita 3.81111 8 38 26.71 -20 09 50.5 " B. Milet (Nice Observatory). Very good images. K. Tomita (Tokyo Astronomical Observatory, Dodaira Station). M. Koishikawa (Sendai Observatory, Ayashi Station). 20-cm f/5.5 reflector. From Nihondaira Obs. Circ. No. 714. The following improved orbital elements, by the undersigned, are from 47 observations Oct. 6 to Nov. 3. T = 1975 Dec. 25.7922 ET Peri. = 246.1973 Node = 277.9880 1950.0 q = 1.604701 AU Incl. = 91.5965 1975/76 ET R. A. (1950) Decl. Delta r m1 Dec. 14 7 54.19 -69 23.9 1.395 1.613 8.3 19 7 21.5 -74 22.9 24 6 26.0 -78 20.5 1.486 1.605 8.4 29 4 57.8 -80 44.6 Jan. 3 3 12.1 -81 05.1 1.604 1.609 8.6 8 1 48.6 -79 44.3 13 0 56.9 -77 36.9 1.735 1.624 8.8 18 0 26.2 -75 17.8 23 0 07.4 -73 01.9 1.865 1.650 9.0 Feb. 2 23 47.81 -68 58.6 12 23 39.66 -65 39.8 2.089 1.731 9.5 22 23 36.58 -63 03.2 Mar. 3 23 35.92 -61 05.1 2.234 1.847 9.9 13 23 36.26 -59 42.8 23 23 36.66 -58 54.6 2.288 1.988 10.3 Apr. 2 23 36.39 -58 40.0 12 23 34.61 -58 59.5 2.258 2.148 10.6 22 23 30.30 -59 53.2 May 2 23 22.07 -61 20.9 2.169 2.320 10.8 12 23 07.74 -63 19.1 22 22 44.21 -65 37.5 2.065 2.502 11.1 June 1 22 07.39 -67 54.3 11 21 14.40 -69 29.5 2.009 2.688 11.3 21 20 09.78 -69 34.6 July 1 19 07.63 -67 45.4 2.066 2.878 11.7 m1 = 5.5 + 5 log Delta + 10 log r Selected total visual magnitude estimates: Nov. 1.37 UT, 8.7 (J. Bortle, Brooks Observatory, 10 x 50 binoculars; suspected tail 12' long in p.a. 330o); 5.34, 8.5 (Bortle); 8.46, 8.8 (P. Maley, Houston, Texas, 13-cm refractor); 11.45, 8.7 (Maley); 13.72, 8.5 (B. Sumner, Windsor, Queensland, 15-cm f/4 reflector, 27 x). AO 0235+164 T. D. Kinman, Kitt Peak National Observatory; and G. H. Rieke, University of Arizona, report that the BL Lac-type object AO 0235 +164 (Spinrad and Smith 1975, Astrophys. J. 201, 275) is undergoing an outburst. On Oct. 3 and Nov. 14 UT it was respectively at V = 15.51 and V ~ 14.3, compared with the previous range of magnitude 17.5 to 19.5. Current infrared magnitudes are K = 9.5 and N = 4.9. CORRIGENDA IAUC 2769: Comet Smirnova-Chernykh (1975e). In the Apr. 4 observation, for +23 52 45.5 read +23 52 54.5. IAUC 2773: Comet van den Bergh (1974g). On Jan. 23 m2 should read 19.6, not 9.6. IAUC 2855: Probable New Satellite of Jupiter. L. M. Vaughn should be added as assisting with the Steward Observatory positions. IAUC 2861 and 2862: Comet Suzuki-Saigusa-Mori (1975k) and Comet Mori-Sato-Fujikawa (1975j). The observations on Oct. 21, attributed to T. Seki, were made by T. Kurosaki (Utsunomiya). See Nihondaira Obs. Circ. No. 714; Yamamoto Circ. Nos. 1817 and 1818. IAUC 2863: Coordinates of Observatories. For JCPM Ayashi Station read Sendai Observatory, Ayashi Station. 1975 November 19 (2867) Brian G. Marsden
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