Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 2885: P/KOPFF; V1500 Cyg

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                                                  Circular No. 2885
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.

     The following ephemeris is from the prediction by D. K.
Yeomans (1974, Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific 86, 125).  Handb. Br.
Astron. Assoc. for 1976 contains a very similar prediction by
Yu. A. Chernetenko.
                                                        For dT = +1d
     1976 ET     R. A. (1950) Decl.     Delta     r     dR.A.  dDecl.   m2
     Jan. 23    11 22.52    + 7 54.1    2.842   3.590   -0m63  + 3'4   21.3
     Feb.  2    11 19.21    + 8 31.5                    -0.66  + 3.5
          12    11 14.02    + 9 19.9    2.567   3.491   -0.69  + 3.6   21.0
          22    11 07.25    +10 16.2                    -0.71  + 3.5
     Mar.  3    10 59.33    +11 16.3    2.401   3.390   -0.72  + 3.4   20.7
          13    10 50.93    +12 15.0                    -0.71  + 3.3
          23    10 42.84    +13 07.4    2.357   3.286   -0.69  + 3.0   20.5
     Apr.  2    10 35.76    +13 49.1                    -0.67  + 2.8
          12    10 30.33    +14 17.7    2.419   3.179   -0.64  + 2.6   20.4
          22    10 26.93    +14 32.1                    -0.61  + 2.4
     May   2    10 25.73    +14 32.3    2.553   3.069   -0.58  + 2.3   20.4
          12    10 26.76    +14 19.0                    -0.56  + 2.2
          22    10 29.91    +13 53.4    2.719   2.956   -0.54  + 2.2   20.4
     June  1    10 35.01    +13 16.4                    -0.53  + 2.2
          11    10 41.87    +12 29.0    2.883   2.841   -0.52  + 2.3   20.3
          21    10 50.28    +11 32.2                    -0.52  + 2.4
     July  1    11 00.09    +10 26.5    3.024   2.724   -0.52  + 2.6   20.3
          11    11 11.15    + 9 12.6                    -0.53  + 2.7
          21    11 23.31    + 7 51.2    3.129   2.605   -0.55  + 2.9   20.1
          31    11 36.50    + 6 22.6                    -0.56  + 3.2
     Aug. 10    11 50.64    + 4 47.6    3.191   2.485   -0.59  + 3.4   20.0

              m2 = 13.5 + 5 log Delta + 10 log r

     Further selected recent visual magnitude estimates: Nov. 20.94
UT, 8.8 (G. M. Hurst, Northampton, England); 23.15, 9.0 (D.
Wallentine, Albuquerque, New Mexico); 26.85, 8.7 (Hurst); 30.05,
9.3 (S. O'Meara, Cambridge, Massachusetts); Dec. 3.97, 9.4 (J.
Bortle, Brooks Observatory); 6.01, 9.5 (Bortle); 8.02, 9.4
(O'Meara); 10.32, 9.5 (J. Sanford, Orange, California).

1975 December 16               (2885)              Brian G. Marsden

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