Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 3142: 1976 AA; 1977k; 1975 II; 1975 VIII

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 3142
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
Cable Address: SATELLITES, NEWYORK     Telex: 921428
Telephone: (617) 864-5758

1976 AA
     Precise position measured by C.-Y. Shao from an exposure by G.
Schwartz with the Harvard Observatory's 155-cm reflector:

     1977 UT             R. A. (1950) Decl.
     Nov. 18.35936    10 21 49.49   + 3 39 35.8

     Orbital elements, by B. G. Marsden, from 58 observations 1976
Jan. 7 to 1977 Nov. 18, perturbations by Mercury to Pluto included:

       T = 1978 Apr. 14.1933 ET   Epoch = 1978 Apr. 2.0 ET
   Peri. = 147.8259                   e =   0.182468
   Node  = 108.0687   1950.0          a =   0.966246 AU
   Incl. =  18.9355                   n =   1.037702
       q =   0.789937 AU              P =   0.950 year

     1977/78 ET  R. A. (1950) Decl.     Delta     r     Mag.
     Dec. 23    12 44.77    + 4 53.8    0.564   1.067   18.4
          28    13 09.80    + 5 16.7
     Jan.  2    13 35.96    + 5 40.9    0.529   1.042   18.3
           7    14 03.12    + 6 05.1
          12    14 31.06    + 6 27.6    0.508   1.014   18.2
          17    14 59.51    + 6 46.7
          22    15 28.17    + 7 00.6    0.502   0.984   18.2
          27    15 56.76    + 7 07.9
     Feb.  1    16 24.99    + 7 07.6    0.512   0.952   18.2
           6    16 52.66    + 6 59.3
          11    17 19.59    + 6 43.1    0.535   0.919   18.3
          16    17 45.72    + 6 19.2
          21    18 11.07    + 5 48.3    0.569   0.888   18.4
          26    18 35.70    + 5 11.4
     Mar.  3    18 59.71    + 4 29.8    0.611   0.858   18.5
           8    19 23.21    + 3 44.8
          13    19 46.31    + 2 57.8    0.659   0.831   18.6
          18    20 09.12    + 2 10.2
          23    20 31.75    + 1 23.7    0.712   0.810   18.7
          28    20 54.27    + 0 39.7
     Apr.  2    21 16.75    - 0 00.1    0.769   0.796   18.8
           7    21 39.21    - 0 34.5
          12    22 01.64    - 1 02.5    0.828   0.790   18.8
          17    22 24.01    - 1 23.1
          22    22 46.29    - 1 35.9    0.890   0.793   18.9

     Mag. = 18.0 + 5 log Delta + 5 log r + 0.023 (phase angle)

     The following precise positions have been reported:

     1977 UT             R. A. (1950) Decl.        m2    Observer
     Aug. 19.27890     2 11 23.82   -10 37 00.6   19.2   Pereyra
          19.32195     2 11 26.41   -10 37 23.5            "
          20.23576     2 12 21.33   -10 45 10.0   19.2     "
          20.27880     2 12 23.77   -10 45 31.2            "
          21.32455     2 13 25.56   -10 54 42.0   19.1     "
          21.36551     2 13 27.82   -10 55 03.9            "
          22.29806     2 14 22.33   -11 03 25.9   19.1     "
          22.34181     2 14 24.72   -11 03 49.0            "
     Nov. 17.49155     2 12 51.8    -26 13 53     17     Allen
          17.56801     2 12 49.0    -26 13 31              "

Z. M. Pereyra (Cordoba Observatory, Bosque Alegre Station).  154-cm
   reflector.  Measurer: B. Oviedo de Zarate.  Stellar appearance.
D. Allen (Anglo-Australian Observatory).  Positions from the encoders
   on the 390-cm reflector (accuracy +/- 3").  Bright, stellar
   nucleus, small halo, tail 15" long in p.a. 310o.

     Allen adds that the comet's spectrum is dominantly reflected
sunlight, but very weak CN 3883 A emission is present.  A spectrogram
(dispersion 200 A/mm, range 3200-7500 A) obtained by W. G.
Tifft and J. Degewij with the Steward Observatory's 229-cm reflector
on Nov. 4 also shows a very strong continuum (including solar
Ca II in absorption) over half the 20" length of the slit; weak CN
and C3 (but not C2) emission extends across the length of the slit.

     Precise positions measured by P. M. Kilmartin from exposures
by A. C. Gilmore at Mount John University Observatory:

     1977 UT             R. A. (1950) Decl.         m2
     June 16.35602     8 17 23.11   -41 17 14.8
          18.30867     8 17 47.80   -41 12 30.4    18.9

     The following precise positions were measured by Shao and
J. H. Bulger from exposures by Schwartz and Shao with the 155-cm
reflector at Harvard Observatory's Agassiz Station:

     1977 UT             R. A. (1950) Decl.
     Aug. 15.28325     1 08 19.90   + 7 13 15.6
     Sept. 11.28937    0 58 01.11   + 7 22 36.1

1977 November 28               (3142)              Brian G. Marsden

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