Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 3183: 1978 DA; 1977 YA (FORMERLY COMET LOVAS 1977t)

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 3183
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
Cable Address: SATELLITES, NEWYORK     Telex: 921428
Telephone: (617) 864-5758

1978 DA
     H.-E. Schuster, European Southern Observatory, reports the
discovery of another fast-moving asteroidal object on exposures with
the 100-cm Schmidt telescope.  The precise positions for Feb. 17-20
have been measured by R. M. West.

     1978 UT             R. A. (1950) Decl.        Mag.
     Feb. 17.25794    10 34 45.24   -19 55 38.0
          18.28083    10 38 02.03   -19 46 43.2   ~14.5
          19.31758    10 41 34.99   -19 35 36.6
          20.34566    10 45 21.27   -19 22 20.4
     Mar.  1.09653    11 31 44.1    -15 14 08

     The following orbital elements, by B. G. Marsden, are rather
similar to those of (887) Alinda and (1915) Quetzalcoat1:

       T = 1978 Apr. 6.033 ET
   Peri. =  32.407                    e =   0.58537
   Node  = 169.861   1950.0           a =   2.47132 AU
   Incl. =  15.624                    n =   0.253694
       q =   1.02468 AU               P =   3.89 years

     1978 ET     R. A. (1950) Decl.     Delta     r     Mag.
     Mar.  1    11 31.02    -15 19.1    0.146   1.124   13.1
           3    11 46.52    -13 31.5    0.133   1.114   12.9
           5    12 04.63    -11 14.4    0.122   1.104   12.6
           7    12 25.71    - 8 22.0    0.112   1.095   12.4
           9    12 50.05    - 4 50.1    0.103   1.087   12.3
          11    13 17.71    - 0 38.6    0.096   1.078   12.2
          13    13 48.40    + 4 04.9    0.092   1.071   12.2
          15    14 21.32    + 9 03.3    0.090   1.064   12.3
          17    14 55.19    +13 53.4    0.091   1.057   12.4
          19    15 28.53    +18 13.1    0.094   1.051   12.7
          21    15 59.99    +21 49.5    0.099   1.046   12.9

       Mag. = 16.5 + 5 log Delta + 5 log r + 0.023 (phase angle)

     Precise positions confirm the conclusion tentatively announced
on IAUC 3165.  Accordingly, Comet Lovas (1977t) has been given the
minor-planet designation 1977 YA.

1978 March 2                   (3183)              Brian G. Marsden

Read IAUC 3182  SEARCH Read IAUC 3184

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