Circular No. 3188 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. Cable Address: SATELLITES, NEWYORK Telex: 921428 Telephone: (617) 864-5758 NOVA SERPENTIS 1978 Y. Kozai, Tokyo Astronomical Observatory, communicates the following precise position, measured by H. Kosai from an exposure by K. Hamajima with the 105-cm Schmidt telescope at the Kiso Station: R.A. = 17h48m59s.74, Decl. = -14o43'08".2 (equinox 1950.0); at the time (Mar. 4.82 UT) mpg was 8.3. A spectrogram (2o prism) obtained on Mar. 7.83 UT shows H-alpha emission, and the H-beta and H-gamma lines resemble those of P Cyg, suggesting that the nova was just past maximum. Visual magnitude estimates: Mar. 8.40 UT, 8.6 (T. Schmidt, Colorado Springs, Colorado); 8.5, 8.5-8.6 (R. Annal, Barstow, California). PERIODIC COMET TSUCHINSHAN 1 (1978e) This comet has been recovered by J. H. Bulger, G. Schwartz and C.-Y. Shao with the 155-cm reflector at Harvard Observatory's Agassiz Station, as shown below. The Feb. 4 image is very weak, the Mar. 8 image somewhat diffuse with condensation. The positions are in very close agreement with the prediction on IAUC 3099. 1978 UT R. A. (1950) Decl. Mag. Observer Feb. 4.05164 2 04 47.59 + 6 28 50.8 20-20.5 Bulger Mar. 8.03685 3 06.1 +14 52 ~19.5 Schwartz & Shao PERIODIC COMET SCHWASSMANN-WACHMANN 1 J. Bortle, Brooks Observatory, informs us that another outburst has occurred. He provides the following total visual magnitude estimates (32-cm reflector): Mar. 6.07 UT, 13.2; 7.05, 13.0; 8.02, 13.0. The coma diameter increased from 0'.3 to 0'.5 or more. On Mar. 7 most of the light was contained in a perfectly stellar point, which increased in size by Mar. 8 (when seeing was poor). PERIODIC COMET WOLF-HARRINGTON (1977j) The following precise position, by T. Furuta (Tokai), is from Orient. Astron. Assoc. Comet Bull. No. 159: 1978 UT R. A. (1950) Decl. m1 Jan. 3.50694 0 10 50.35 +13 40 02.0 14 1978 March 9 (3188) Brian G. Marsden
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