Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits


The following International Astronomical Union Circular may be linked-to from your own Web pages, but must not otherwise be redistributed (see these notes on the conditions under which circulars are made available on our WWW site).

Read IAUC 3230  SEARCH Read IAUC 3232
IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 3231
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM     Telephone 617-864-5758

     The arrangements (indicated on IAUC 3209 and in direct
communications to telegrams subscribers) for changes in the manner in
which our telegrams service operates are now complete.  Beginning
In the very near future, telegrams or telexes will no longer be
sent collect, and the Meudon relay point will be eliminated.

     Effective immediately, all incoming telegrams intended for the
Central Telegram Bureau should be sent to the TWX number given
above, namely, 710-320-6842 (answerback ASTROGRAM CAM).  This number
will be operational at all times.  TWX and telex operators in
North America will know how to contact this TWX number directly.
Telex operators outside North America should consult the appropriate
manuals for sending TWX messages to the United States: instructions
vary in different parts of the world, but a cursory examination
suggests that if the prefix 23xx (for example) is used before
a U.S. telex number, it should be replaced by 25 before a U.S. TWX
number.  Those without access to TWX or telex equipment can send
telegrams addressed simply TWX 7103206842 ASTROGRAM CAM.  This same
address can be used in the case of cablegrams from outside North
America, except that the sender will then add (USA VIA WUI) or (USA
VIA RCA), etc., to indicate the carrier.  For extra security the
above address can be preceded by CENTRAL BUREAU SMITHSONIAN OBSERVATORY
CAMBRIDGE MA, but it is essential to include the TWX number
and answerback.  If the cable address or the telex number shown on
previous Circulars (or simply the words SMITHSONIAN OBSERVATORY)
are used in the future, a message could be significantly delayed.

     The telephone number (617) 864-5758 will still be available
for receiving brief (up to 30 seconds duration) recorded messages,
but communications to the TWX machine are preferred: telephone
calls to the regular office number or to the private home number of
the undersigned should be made only in cases of extreme urgency
(e.g., when reporting the discovery, confirmation or early accurate
position of a new comet, unusual minor planet, nova or supernova).
Information of a more routine nature can and should still generally
be communicated by airmail letter, although TWX communication can
be used for this if contributors wish, provided that there are
adequate checks on numerical material.

     Visual magnitudes: 1977 Nov. 12.0 UT, 12.4 (J. Bortle, Brooks
Obs.); 1978 Jan. 7.7, 12.5 (G. Hurst, Northampton, England); Apr.
15.0, 12.7 (Hurst); May 8.2, 13.1 (Bortle); June 10.0, 12.9 (Hurst).

1975 YA
     Ephemeris continuation from the orbit on IAUC 3089:

     1978/79 ET  R. A. (1950) Decl.     Delta     r     Mag.
     July 11     5 03.99    -29 46.5    1.806   1.589   20.6
          21     5 30.34    -28 29.5
          31     5 55.07    -27 19.3    1.758   1.536   20.5
     Aug. 10     6 18.32    -26 15.8
          20     6 40.23    -25 18.1    1.675   1.472   20.3
          30     7 01.02    -24 24.4
     Sept. 9     7 20.89    -23 32.3    1.542   1.397   20.1
          19     7 40.10    -22 37.9
          29     7 59.02    -21 36.3    1.348   1.312   19.8
     Oct.  9     8 18.11    -20 20.4
          19     8 38.14    -18 38.7    1.092   1.221   19.3

          24     8 48.87    -17 32.9
          29     9 00.36    -16 13.1    0.944   1.174   19.0
     Nov.  3     9 12.91    -14 34.7
           8     9 26.93    -12 31.2    0.787   1.126   18.6
          13     9 43.02    - 9 53.9
          18    10 02.03    - 6 30.8    0.631   1.080   18.2
          23    10 25.16    - 2 06.0
          28    10 54.08    + 3 38.6    0.493   1.036   17.7
     Dec.  3    11 30.93    +10 54.1
           8    12 17.88    +19 21.1    0.407   0.996   17.3
          13    13 15.44    +27 44.1
          18    14 19.85    +34 15.3    0.417   0.961   17.4
          23    15 22.98    +37 56.3
          28    16 17.57    +39 10.8    0.516   0.934   17.7
     Jan.  2    17 01.18    +38 55.0
           7    17 35.03    +37 53.5    0.656   0.915   18.1
          12    18 01.40    +36 31.8
          17    18 22.36    +35 02.2    0.805   0.906   18.4
          22    18 39.45    +33 30.7

          27    18 53.77    +31 59.9    0.943   0.908   18.6
     Feb.  6    19 16.88    +29 03.5
          16    19 35.47    +26 14.4    1.151   0.942   18.9
          26    19 51.52    +23 31.9
     Mar.  8    20 05.99    +20 53.8    1.242   1.009   19.2
          18    20 19.41    +18 16.2
          28    20 32.07    +15 34.3    1.215   1.095   19.3
     Apr.  7    20 43.99    +12 40.4
          17    20 55.18    + 9 23.5    1.088   1.189   19.3
          27    21 05.48    + 5 27.9
     May   7    21 14.56    + 0 29.6    0.895   1.282   19.0

        Mag. = 17.5 + 5 log Delta + 5 log r + 0.023 (phase angle)

1978 June 22                   (3230)              Brian G. Marsden

Read IAUC 3230  SEARCH Read IAUC 3232

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