Circular No. 3464 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM Telephone 617-864-5758 NO OCCULTATION BY PLUTO ON 1980 APRIL 6 A. R. Kiemola, Lick Observatory; and J. L. Elliot, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, inform us that there will probably be no occultation of the mag ~ 12 star at R.A. = 13h40m45s.1, Decl. = +8o34'48" (equinox 1950.0) by Pluto on Apr. 6 (cf. IAU Comm. 20 Occultation Bull. Nos. 10 and 15). At Cape Town the star is expected to pass 0".85 from the center of Pluto (in p.a. ~ 30o) on Apr. 6d23h49m.3 UT. According to Harrington and Christy (1980, A.J. 85, 168) the probable satellite 1978 P 1 will be at greatest northern elongation (separation ~ 0".9) on Apr. 7d01h UT; an occultation by 1978 P 1 is not particularly likely, but this object may be only 0".1-0".2 from the star around Apr. 6d23h37m UT. SUPERNOVA IN NGC 3733 R. Kirshner, University of Michigan, reports that spectrophotometry by C. Canizares, G. Kriss and M. Johns at McGraw-Hill Observatory on Mar. 22 showed this object (cf. IAUC 3462) to be a supernova of type I, at mv ~ 15.5 and near maximum. LSI +61 303 A. R. Taylor and P. C. Gregory, Physics Department, University of British Columbia, report that the radio emission of this object (cf. IAUC 3170, 3180) varies in a periodic fashion with a period of 26.45 +/- 0.05 days, based on observations over two years at N.R.A.O. (5 GHz) and A.R.O. (10 GHz). At phase 0.3 (1978 Feb. 21) the radio emission at both 5 and 10 GHz is ~ 15 mJy. Maximum occurs at phase 0.65 and is typically 200 mJy. Radial-velocity measurements by J. B. Hutchings and D. Crampton, Dominion Astrophysical Observatory, of H and He I absorptions in the optical spectrum indicate an orbital amplitude of K = 15 +/- 4 km/s if the period is 26.45 days. This yields a mass function of 0.0093, which implies secondary masses between 1.0 and 1.9 Msol for primary masses of 10-20 Msol and inclination > 60o. The phase of maximum positive velocity coincides with the phase of radio minimum. The general appearance of the spectrum has not changed appreciably over two years. 1980 March 31 (3464) Brian G. Marsden
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