Circular No. 3566 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM Telephone 617-864-5758 PROBABLE NOVA IN SCUTUM S. W. Milbourn and D. Saw, British Astronomical Association, report that David Branchett, Eastleigh, Hampshire, England, has found a probable nova, as shown below. R. Wood, Royal Greenwich Observatory, reports a confirmation and accurate position by R. Argyle and E. Clements from an astrographic plate: 1981 UT R. A. (1950) Decl. Mag. Observer Jan. 18.26667 18 43.8 - 4 58 8 Branchett 20.25833 18 44 11.7 - 4 59 56 9 Argyle J. Mattei, AAVSO, communicates an approximate visual magnitude estimate by J. Morgan, Prescott, AZ: Jan. 20.57 UT, ~ 10. COMET PANTHER (1980u) No 1981 accurate positions of this comet have been reported. The following ephemeris therefore continues that on IAUC 3558: 1981 ET R. A. (1950) Decl. Delta r m1 Jan. 26 19 06.05 +50 41.3 1.645 1.637 9.2 31 19 09.86 +53 38.9 Feb. 5 19 13.91 +56 59.0 1.547 1.640 9.1 10 19 18.24 +60 42.9 15 19 22.94 +64 51.6 1.457 1.654 9.0 20 19 28.24 +69 25.3 25 19 34.7 +74 22.9 1.390 1.678 9.0 Mar. 2 19 44.0 +79 41 9 7 20 06 +85 17.1 1.357 1.712 9.0 Further visual estimates follow: Jan. 8.98 UT, m1 = 9.3, coma 2'.4 (J. Bortle, Stormville, NY, 0.32-m reflector); 9.12, m1 = 8.5, coma 4'.5 (C. E. Spratt, Victoria, BC, 0.20-m reflector). COMET BRADFIELD (1980t) The following visual estimates have been reported: Jan. 14.06, m1 = 5.0, tail 3o.5 in p.a. 45o (P. Maley, Albuquerque, NM, 7 x 35 bin.); 15.03, m1 = 5.2, coma 2'.4, tail 2o.8. in p.a. 42o (Maley, Houston, TX); 19.96, m1 = 6.2, tail 0o.5 in p.a. 35o (D. W. E. Green, Cambridge, MA, 20 x 80 bin.); 20.95, 6.3, tail 1o.5 in 35o (Green). 1981 January 21 (3566) Brian G. Marsden
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