Circular No. 3637 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM Telephone 617-864-5758 RADIO OUTBURSTS IN 3C 345, 3C 454.3 AND Q0241+622 P. A. Feldman, J. M. MacLeod and B. H. Andrew, Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics, Ottawa, report that major radio outbursts are currently occurring in three quasars, as measured at a wavelength of 28 mm with the 46-m telescope of the Algonquin Radio Observatory. 3C 345 was at 17.1 Jy on Sept. 4, after having reached a highest recorded 28-mm flux density of 17.7 Jy on Aug. 6; this series of observations started in 1966 (cf. Andrew et al. 1978, A.J. 83, 863). 3C 454.3 continues to rise rapidly, at ~ 1 Jy per month since June; it was at 19.8 Jy on Sept. 4. The bright x-ray-emitting quasar Q0241+622 (4U 0241+61) was at a record level of 0.71 Jy on Sept. 4.42 UT; the previous radio outburst during 1978-79 was found to be uncorrelated (or perhaps even anticorrelated) with the 2-10-keV x-ray flux (Feldman 1979, B.A.A.S. 11, 777). Observations at radio, x-ray and optical wavelengths are urged. 1981 QB Further precise positions have been reported as follows: 1981 UT R. A. (1950) Decl. Mag. Observer Aug. 28.23125 21 38 43.68 - 7 14 25.7 16.0 Kowal 28.28333 21 38 39.84 - 7 18 56.9 " 29.20556 21 37 40.73 - 8 41 47.4 16.0 " 29.25764 21 37 36.97 - 8 46 25.2 " 30.20972 21 36 34.57 -10 14 20.2 16.0 " 30.26181 21 36 30.81 -10 19 11.2 " 31.20660 21 35 28.30 -11 48 33.7 16.0 " 31.25868 21 35 24.56 -11 53 26.6 " Sept. 1.20903 21 34 20.86 -13 25 26.7 16.0 " 1.26111 21 34 17.28 -13 30 22.4 " 2.20625 21 33 13.74 -15 03 34.1 16.0 " 2.25833 21 33 09.68 -15 08 41.7 " 3.20938 21 32 05.42 -16 44 06.9 16.0 " 3.26146 21 32 01.61 -16 49 16.1 " 6.42800 21 28 26.67 -22 14 30.0 14 Gilmore 6.44883 21 28 25.06 -22 16 42.3 " C. Kowal (Palomar Mountain Observatory). 1.2-m Schmidt telescope. Beginnings and ends of 75-min exposures. A. C. Gilmore and P. M. Kilmartin (Mt. John University Observatory). 1981 September 11 (3637) Brian G. Marsden
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