Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 3872
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM     Telephone 617-864-5758

GX 1+4
     R. Hall, Leicester University X-Ray Astronomy Group; and J.
Davelaar, EXOSAT Observatory Team, report that a Sept. 24/25
observation for ~ 13 hr by EXOSAT failed to detect this x-ray
pulsator. The upper limit to the observed flux was ~ 4 ufu.  Normally
a bright source (50-200 ufu), GX 1+4 has the largest spinup rate
of any of the known pulsators.  This current low x-ray state may
suggest that large changes have occurred in the mass transfer from
the M6III star to its neutron star companion.  Optical observations,
particularly spectroscopy, will be valuable in elucidating
the nature of this unusual behavior.  The optical star has V =
18.9, J = 10.4, with large reddening and shows symbiotic characteristics
along with very high ionization lines (Fe X).  Its position
is R.A. = 17h28m57s89, Decl. = -24deg42'34"9 (equinox 1950.0);
for a finding chart see Doxsey et al. (1977, Nature 270, 586).

     R. M. West, IAU General Secretary, informs us that, following
the joint recommendation of Commission 20 and the Working Group
for Planetary System Nomenclature, the IAU Executive Committee has
accepted the following names and permanent designations for
recently discovered satellites of Jupiter and Saturn:

     Jupiter XIV  Thebe      = 1979 J2
     Jupiter XV   Adrastea   = 1979 J1
     Jupiter XVI  Metis      = 1979 J3
     Saturn XV    Atlas      = 1980 S28.

The decision concerning Jupiter XIV reaffirms action by the IAU in
1982, at which time the following additional names and
designations were accepted:

     Saturn X     Janus      = 1980 S1
     Saturn XI    Epimetheus = 1980 S3
     Saturn XII              = 1980 S6 ('Dione B')
     Saturn XIII  Telesto    = 1980 S13
     Saturn XIV   Calypso    = 1980 S25.

Saturn X and XI were apparently also both observed in 1966.  The
list supersedes information given elsewhere in the astronomical
literature: specifically, the ordering of the satellites of
Jupiter in IAU Trans. XVIIIA, 669 is erroneous.

1983 September 30              (3872)              Brian G. Marsden

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