Circular No. 3918 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 PERIODIC COMET HARTLEY-IRAS (1983v) Total visual magnitude estimates indicate that this comet has been substantially brighter than predicted on IAUC 3903, particularly recently: 1983 Dec. 29.73 UT, 10.8 (J.-C. Merlin, Le Creusot, France, 0.26-m reflector); 1984 Jan. 29.11, 10.5; (C. S. Morris, Frazer Park, CA, 0.20-m reflector); Feb. 5.57, 10.3 ( Morris, Whitaker Peak, CA); 11.56, 9.9 (Morris, Whitaker Peak, CA); 23.42, 7.8 (J. Bortle, Stormville, NY, 20 x 80 binoculars). SUPERNOVA IN NGC 4419 W. P. S. Meikle, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory; J. R. Graham, Imperial College, London; and M. F. Bode, Los Alamos National Laboratory, report that observations with the 1.5-m telescope at the Cerro Tololo Interamerican Observatory show that the supernova is exhibiting infrared behavior similar to that previously observed in type I supernovae. The observed infrared magnitudes (using an 8" aperture) are: Feb. 10.3 UT, J = 13.92 +/- 0.05, H = 12.89 +/- 0.02, K = 12.80 +/- 0.02; 11.3, 13.89 +/- 0.03, 12.98 +/- 0.02, 13.09 +/- 0.04; 13.4, 13.77 +/- 0.06, 12.83 +/- 0.04, 12.92 +/- 0.04. OJ 287 A. K. Kulshrestha, U. C. Joshi and M. R. Deshpande, Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad, report: "We made optical photopolarimetric observations of the BL-Lac object OJ 287 on Jan. 10, 11 and 12 with the 1.5-m telescope at the Catalina station of the Lunar and Planetary Laboratory. We found variations in the degree of polarization from 13 to 17 (+/- 0.7) percent on a timescale of < 25 min on all three nights: on Jan. 12 the fluctuations repeated three times with the same timescale. The object was also observed on Jan. 16 with the 1.0-m telescope on Mt. Lemmon. It brightened by 1 mag, the polarization decreased to a typical 8 percent, and no short-timescale variations were detected." CORRIGENDUM The name and affiliation of the contributor on IAUC 3913 of information about the infrared source near IRAS 0453+444 03 was given incorrectly; these should have been E. R. Craine, Steward Observatory. 1984 February 24 (3918) Brian G. Marsden
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