Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 4230: COMETS 1981 XXI (SOLWIND 4) AND 1984 XII (SOLWIND 5); 1986G

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 4230
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM    Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444

     The values of R.A. and Decl. on IAUC 4129 were calculated on the
erroneous assumption that the origin of O was the terrestrial, rather
than the solar, north pole.  Corrected values follow:

     UT          R.A. (1950.0) Decl.  1984 UT     R.A. (1950.0) Decl.

1981 Nov.  3.999  14 25.7  -16 59     July 28.316   8 22.2  +18 33
           4.038  14 26.5  -16 51          28.324   8 22.2  +18 34
           4.105  14 28.1  -16 42          28.331   8 22.7  +18 38
           4.171  14 29.6  -16 34          28.368   8 24.0  +18 44
           4.238  14 31.2  -16 23          28.375   8 24.3  +18 46
           4.304  14 32.4  -16 11          28.383   8 24.5  +18 47
           4.371  14 34.0  -16 00          28.390   8 24.7  +18 49
                                           28.397   8 25.1  +18 50
1984 July 28.302   8 21.8  +18 30          28.435   8 26.5  +18 59
          28.309   8 22.0  +18 32          28.443   8 26.6  +18 59

The additional rotation by 24 deg on 1981 Nov. 3-4 effectively
increases the orbital inclination of SOLWIND 4 by that same amount,
so, contrary to the remark on IAUC 4129, membership of that comet
in the Kreutz group now becomes a very distinct possibility.  The
adjustment on 1984 July 28 is by only 9 deg, and the earlier suggestion
of Kreutz membership is still supported.  Revised and representative
Kreutz-type orbits have been derived by the undersigned
as follows: for SOLWIND 4, T = 1981 Nov. 4.54 ET, Peri. = 78.70, Node =
358.33, Incl. = 144.00 (equinox 1950.0), q = 0.0047 AU; for SOLWIND 5,
T = 1984 July 28.49 ET, Peri. = 72.96, Node = 351.19, Incl. = 142.92
(equinox 1950.0), q = 0.0057 AU.

     G. Meurer telexes photometric data (Cousins system) obtained
with the Siding Spring 2.3-m telescope.  A 15" aperture was used,
although the June 2 and 4 data have been corrected to an effective
aperture of 40"; the correction amounts to 0.01 in V but is negligible
in the colors.  Sky measurements were offset by 20" south on
June 2 and both 20" south and 20" east on June 4 and 5.  Errors do
not include galaxy subtraction and are +/- 0.01 except as noted:
June 2.624 UT, V = 13.00, U-B = +0.95 (+/- 0.04), B-V = +1.95, V-R =
+0.85, V-I = +1.64; 4.556, 13.13, +0.93 (+/- 0.03), +1.86, +0.82,
+1.61; 5.569, 13.21 (+/- 0.02), +0.92 (+/- 0.02), 1.84, +0.80, +1.60.

1986 June 25                   (4230)              Brian G. Marsden

Read IAUC 4229  SEARCH Read IAUC 4231

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