Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 4265: 1986l; IRAS 00275-2859; PKS 2005-489; N Cyg 1986

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 4265
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM    Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444

     D. W. Dunham, Computer Sciences Corporation, reports that comet
Wilson 1986l will likely occult the star SAO 125375 (mv = 9.0)
on Oct. 28 at about 4h05m UT for observers in the western Pacific
and in central America (possibly also western North America).
Following are improved parabolic orbital elements from MPC 11236:

         T = 1987 Apr. 20.7787 ET  Peri. = 238.3325
                                   Node  = 110.9535   1950.0
         q =   1.198771 AU         Incl. = 147.1280

IRAS 00275-2859
     J. P. Vader, Yale University, reports:  "Source 00275-2859 in
the IRAS point-source catalog (1985) is a quasar, with its optical
spectrum, taken with the 1-m telescope (+ 2D-Frutti detector) at
Cerro Tololo Interamerican Observatory, showing four emission lines
(O II 372.7 nm, H-gamma, H-beta, and O III 500.7 nm) at a redshift of z =
0.279.  The instrumental broadening corrected FWHM of H-beta is 3.5 nm
or 1700 km/s.  The quasar has an infrared flux at 60 microns of 0.69 Jy
and an optical magnitude m_J = 17.5 on a IIIa-J plate, which yields
an infrared- to optical-luminosity ratio of 15.   For H = 50 km/s/Mpc,
an absolute magnitude  M_J = -23.5 and an infrared luminosity
L60 = 3.0 x 10E12 solar luminosities are obtained."

PKS 2005-489
     R. Falomo, Osservatorio Astronomico, Padua; and L. Maraschi,
E. G. Tanzi, and A. Treves, Istituto di Fisica Cosmica, CNR, Milan,
communicate: "A single spectrum of the BL-Lac object PKS 2005-489
taken on Aug. 16 at the 2.2-m European Southern Observatory telescope
(+ Boller-and-Chivens spectrograph at 6.0 nm/mm and CCD detector)
showed two emission features at 703.1 and 705.1 (+/- 0.1) nm
with equivalent width of about 0.1 nm.  Identification with H-alpha and N II
(658.3 nm) yields z = 0.071.  An alternative identification with S
II (671.7, 673.1 nm) cannot be excluded.  The intensity of the
adjacent continuum was 6 x 10E-15 erg/cmE2/s/A."

     Photoelectric V, B-V, and U-B data by R. Monella, Covo, Italy:
Oct. 3.853 UT, 10.39, +0.24, -0.54; 5.847, 10.63, +0.21, -0.95.

1986 October 23                (4265)            Daniel W. E. Green

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