Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 4283: N IN SMC; N Cyg 1986; SU Tau

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 4283
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM    Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444

     R. H. McNaught, Siding Spring Observatory, reports his discovery
of a nova in the Small Magellanic Cloud after comparing a 5-min
Tri-X exposure obtained Dec. 13 with one from Oct. 5.5 UT.  The nova
is located at R.A. = 0h34m54.44, Decl. = -72 21'20.8 (equinox 1950.0),
14".7 east and 9".0 south of a 16.5-mag star.  D. Waldron, U.K. Schmidt
Telescope Unit, notes that on a Nov. 24 prism plate (when the object was
at mag about 16) the nova exhibits three emission lines and blends on a
continuum between 455-540 nm.  Further magnitude estimates from
photographs taken by McNaught (M), 85-mm lens; by G. Garrado (G),
Tamworth, N.S.W., 300-mm lens and hypered 2415 film; and with the
University of Aston 600-mm f/1 Hewitt Schmidt satellite camera (A):
Oct. 2.48, [15 (G); 2.51, [12.5 (M); 4.507, 10.1: (A); 4.517, 10.2
(M); 5.560, 10.1 (M); 5.562, 10.3 (M); 6.73, 11.2 (A); 7.51, about
10.5 (G); 10.71, 11.8: (A); 12.76, 12.5: (A); 20.45, about 12.5 (G);
21.42, about 13 (G); 23.48, about 13 (G); 28.50, about 13.5 (G); 30.47,
about 14 (G); Nov. 1.46, about 14 (G); 2.46, about 14.5 (G); 5.46,
about 14.5 (G; near magnitude limit); 21.53, about 15 (G; at limit);
23.49, about 15 (G; at limit); Dec. 4.50, about 15 (G; near limit);
15.47, about 16.5 (Uppsala southern Schmidt telescope, hypered IIIa-F
film).  Preliminary inspection of U.K. Schmidt plates taken prior to
Oct. 2 reveals no prenova candidate brighter than mag about 19.

     Photoelectric observations by R. Monella, Covo, Italy:  Nov.
25.743 UT, V = 11.77, B-V = +0.27, U-B = -1.71.  Further visual
magnitude estimates (cf. IAUC 4276):  Nov. 26.84, 11.9 (S. Korth,
Monheim, W. Germany); 27.81, 11.8 (Korth); 28.84, 11.9 (A. Perez,
Paris, France); 29.86, 11.8 (M. V. Zanotta, Milan, Italy); 30.87,
11.8 (R. Monella, Covo, Italy); Dec. 5.07, 11.9 (J. E. Bortle,
Stormville, NY); 6.81, 11.9 (Korth); 8.72, 12.0 (Korth); 8.74, 12.3
(P. Schmeer, Bischmisheim, W. Germany).

     Further visual magnitude estimates (cf. IAUC 4278): Nov. 28.95
UT, 15.4 (S. Korth, Monheim, W. Germany); 29.9, [14.6 (M. V.
Zanotta, Milan, Italy); 30.06, 15.5 (Korth); Dec. 3.86, 14.1 (R.
Monella, Covo, Italy); 4.91, 14.2 (Monella); 8.88, [14.7 (Korth).

1986 December 17               (4283)            Daniel W. E. Green

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