Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 4493: 1987c1; N Vul 1987

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 4493
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM    Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444

     This comet has been recovered by J. Gibson with the 1.5-m
reflector and CCD at Palomar and by J. Scotti with the SPACEWATCH
camera on Kitt Peak, confirming tentative observations by the
latter on a single night last December.

 1986/87 UT         R. A. (1950)  Decl.       m2     m2    Observer
 Dec. 29.38052    4 36 44.50   +51 08 15.4                 Scotti
      29.39916    4 36 43.41   +51 08 13.0   20.5            "
 Nov.  3.51010   10 26 39.87   +33 39 00.4   19.5          Gibson
       3.52219   10 26 40.77   +33 38 58.4                   "
      19.49076   10 44 59.38   +33 09 08.7          18.9   Scotti
      19.49715   10 44 59.82   +33 09 07.4          19     Gibson
      19.50810   10 45 00.50   +33 09 06.9                   "
      19.52146   10 45 01.28   +33 09 07.1                 Scotti

J. Scotti (Kitt Peak).  1986 Dec. 29: image fairly faint, measurement
   difficult; appearance essentially stellar.  1987 Nov. 19:
   18" tail in p.a. 299 deg.
J. Gibson (Palomar).  1987 Nov. 3: image stellar within the limits
   of seeing (about 3").  Nov. 19: the frame taken in the best seeing
   shows a 0'.1 tail in p.a. about 295 deg.  Thuan-Gunn r filter.

    The indicated corrections to the predictions by S. Nakano (MPC
11519, ephemeris on MPC 12147) and S. W. Milbourn (BAA Handbook
for 1988, p. 78) are Delta-T = +0.01 and +0.02 day, respectively.

     G. M. Hurst, Basingstoke, England, reports magnitudes from
pre-discovery Tri-X exposures:  Nov. 12.796 UT, 8.0 (N. James,
Chelmsford); 14.794, 7.2 (James); 14.895, 7.0: (M. Mobberley,
Bury St. Edmunds).
     Photoelectric photometry by R. Monella, Covo, Italy:  Nov.
19.725 UT, V = 7.71, B-V = +1.22, U-B = +0.62; 20.737, 7.68, +1.28,
+0.64; 21.733, 7.59, +1.19, +0.61; 22.728, 7.62, +1.25, +0.54.
     Visual magnitude estimates:  Nov. 19.77 UT, 7.3 (A. Pereira,
Linda-A-Velha, Portugal); 19.83, 7.0 (Hurst); 19.990, 7.3 (D. W. E.
Green, Cambridge, MA); 20.118, 7.3 (P. Collins, Scottsdale, AZ);
20.81, 7.3 (Pereira); 21.78, 7.2 (Pereira); 22.994, 7.4 (Green);
23.09, 7.1 (R. A. Keen, Mt. Thorodin, CO).

1987 November 23               (4493)            Daniel W. E. Green

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