Circular No. 4715 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 (for emergency use only) TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM EASYLINK 62794505 MARSDEN or GREEN@CFA.BITNET MARSDEN or GREEN@CFAPS2.SPAN 1989 AC Further precise positions have been reported as follows: 1989 UT R.A. (1950) Decl. Mag. Observer Jan. 6.91944 3 59 50.68 +19 06 50.7 Maury 6.92986 3 59 57.03 +19 07 11.3 " 8.56701 4 16 11.36 +20 00 16.3 11 Seki 8.57170 4 16 13.91 +20 00 25.5 " 8.95208 4 19 45.94 +20 11 01.3 Maury 8.95561 4 19 47.51 +20 11 04.8 " 10.96984 4 37 08.29 +20 59 14.9 Shao 11.27153 4 39 30.07 +21 05 20.5 Balam 12.49218 4 48 44.89 +21 28 33.7 12 McNaught 12.49683 4 48 46.88 +21 28 37.0 " A. Maury (Caussols). 0.9-m Schmidt. Measurer R. Chemin. T. Seki (Geisei). 0.6-m reflector. Communicated by T. Kobayashi. C.-Y. Shao (Oak Ridge Observatory). 1.5-m reflector. D. D. Balam and J. B. Tatum (University of Victoria). R. H. McNaught (Siding Spring). Uppsala Southern Schmidt. The Jan. 12 observations from the southern hemisphere have improved the determinacy of the orbit, and it seems likely that the object has a in the range 2.5-2.6 AU, i.e., perhaps a 3:1 libration with Jupiter. An estimate by A. Hale, Las Cruces, NM, mv = 12.1 on Jan. 8.16 UT, yields H about 14.5. The following orbital elements are from 12 observations Jan. 4-12: T = 1988 Nov. 22.832 ET Peri. = 275.223 e = 0.65354 Node = 126.984 1950.0 q = 0.90003 AU Incl. = 0.474 a = 2.59782 AU n = 0.235391 P = 4.19 years 1989 ET R.A. (1950) Decl. Delta r V Jan. 24 5 49.50 +23 02.6 26 5 56.82 +23 07.7 0.330 1.266 13.7 28 6 03.55 +23 11.2 30 6 09.76 +23 13.3 0.373 1.302 14.0 Feb. 1 6 15.54 +23 14.4 3 6 20.96 +23 14.5 0.418 1.338 14.3 5 6 26.06 +23 13.9 7 6 30.89 +23 12.7 0.466 1.374 14.6 1989 January 13 (4715) Brian G. Marsden
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