Circular No. 4907 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 (for emergency use only) TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM EASYLINK 62794505 MARSDEN or GREEN@CFA.BITNET MARSDEN or GREEN@CFAPS2.SPAN COMET AARSETH-BREWINGTON (1989a1) Knut Aarseth and Howard J. Brewington report their independent discoveries of a new comet, with the following positions available: 1989 UT R.A. (1950) Decl. m1 Observer Nov. 16.73 16 20 +29 8.5 Aarseth 16.99 16 20 +27.6 9 Brewington 17.70 16 18 +27.6 Dale 17.722 16 18.7 +27 25 8.2 Granslo 17.74 16 17 +27.9 8 Lunde 17.95 16 17.9 +27 37 8 Caruso 17.97 16 17.5 +27 42 di Cicco 17.98 16 17.5 +27 36 8.6 Green K. Aarseth (Volde, Norway). Communicated by R. Lunde. H. J. Brewington (Newberry, SC). 0.40-m reflector. H. Dale (Oslo, Norway). B. H. Granslo and B. Pettersen (Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics, Blindern). Coma diameter 1'-2'. R. Lunde (Ulsteinvik, Norway). Definite motion over 1 hr. J. Caruso (Oak Ridge Observatory). 0.4-m reflector. Comet diffuse. D. di Cicco (Sudbury, MA). 0.28-m reflector. Diffuse with condensation. D. W. E. Green (Cambridge, MA). 0.20-m reflector. Coma diameter about 1'.5. beta PICTORIS A. M. Lagrange-Henri, European Southern Observatory, reports: "Observations of beta Pictoris at La Silla on Oct. 20 have revealed the presence of strong, variable absorption components in the Ca II (K) line. Such components have not been observed in this line since 1986. This indicates that intense activity is occuring in the surrounding disk. Further observations are encouraged." CH CYGNI Visual magnitude estimates: Sept. 2.92 UT, 7.5 (J. D. Shanklin, Cambridge, England); 26.99, 7.9 (A. Pereira, Cabo da Roca, Portugal); Oct. 18.85, 8.2 (A. Mizser, Budapest, Hungary); Nov. 16.76, 9.2 (E. Schweitzer, Strasbourg, France). 1989 November 17 (4907) Daniel W. E. Green
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