Circular No. 4924 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 (for emergency use only) TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM EASYLINK 62794505 MARSDEN or GREEN@CFA.BITNET MARSDEN or GREEN@CFAPS2.SPAN COMET AARSETH-BREWINGTON (1989a1) Extension to the ephemeris on IAUC 4916: 1989/90 R.A. (1950) Decl. Delta r m1 Dec. 20 16 32.24 -10 12.2 0.983 0.386 3.8 21 16 34.57 -12 32.9 22 16 37.42 -15 00.8 0.961 0.352 3.4 23 16 40.92 -17 35.2 24 16 45.19 -20 15.2 0.944 0.324 3.0 25 16 50.37 -22 59.2 26 16 56.59 -25 44.9 0.936 0.306 2.7 27 17 03.99 -28 29.3 28 17 12.64 -31 09.2 0.938 0.301 2.6 29 17 22.57 -33 41.2 30 17 33.74 -36 02.0 0.950 0.308 2.8 31 17 46.03 -38 08.8 Jan. 1 17 59.27 -39 59.9 0.973 0.327 3.1 2 18 13.22 -41 34.1 3 18 27.64 -42 51.4 1.005 0.355 3.5 4 18 42.27 -43 52.2 5 18 56.87 -44 37.5 1.044 0.390 4.0 6 19 11.23 -45 08.8 7 19 25.17 -45 27.5 1.088 0.429 4.5 8 19 38.58 -45 35.5 9 19 51.36 -45 34.2 1.136 0.471 5.0 10 20 03.46 -45 25.1 11 20 14.86 -45 09.6 1.186 0.514 5.5 12 20 25.57 -44 48.8 13 20 35.59 -44 23.9 1.239 0.558 5.9 14 20 44.96 -43 55.6 COMET AUSTIN (1989c1) Total visual magnitude estimates: Dec. 17.46 UT, 10.6 (D. A. J. Seargent, The Entrance, N.S.W., 15x80 binoculars); 17.54, 11.0 (A. Pearce, Scarborough, W. Australia, 0.20-m reflector); 18.54, 10.9 (Pearce). 1989 December 18 (4924) Daniel W. E. Green
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