Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 5011: 3CR 368; 1990b

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 5011
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 (for emergency use only)
TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM     EASYLINK 62794505

3CR 368
     F. Hammer, O. le Fevre, D. Proust, Observatoire de Paris, Meudon,
and Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Corporation, telex:  "New deep,
high-spatial-resolution spectroscopy of 3CR 368, obtained with the
European Southern Observatory's 3.5-m New Technology Telescope,
confirms the unrelated and foreground nature of the brightest optical
component.  However, higher signal-to-noise and improved calibration
on the detected continuum reveals that it is probably a giant galactic
star rather than a foreground galaxy.  Important consequences on
the properties of 3CR 368 will be derived from these data."

     Improved parabolic orbital elements from MPC 16378:

     T = 1990 Mar. 17.328 ET          Peri. = 100.624
                                      Node  = 347.751   1950.0
     q = 1.06826 AU                   Incl. =  48.135

     1990 ET      R.A. (1950) Decl.     Delta      r       m1
     May   9     7 32.82    +37 38.2    1.501    1.369    11.2
          14     7 54.18    +34 16.2
          19     8 12.86    +30 59.6    1.645    1.470    11.8
          24     8 29.36    +27 51.4
          29     8 44.13    +24 53.0    1.813    1.578    12.3
     June  3     8 57.48    +22 04.9
           8     9 09.69    +19 27.0    1.998    1.690    12.8
          13     9 20.97    +16 58.7
          18     9 31.48    +14 39.4    2.193    1.804    13.3
          23     9 41.34    +12 28.3
          28     9 50.68    +10 24.5    2.394    1.921    13.7
     July  3     9 59.56    + 8 27.4

     Total visual magnitude estimates (cf. IAUC 4992):  Apr. 13.84
UT, 9.2 (A. Boattini, M. Morello, Italy, 20x80 binoculars); 19.08,
10.0 (J. E. Bortle, Stormville, NY, 0.32-m reflector); 21.20, 9.8
(A. Hale, Las Cruces, NM, 0.41-m reflector); 22.21, 11.9 (C. S.
Morris, Pine Mountain Club, CA, 0.26-m reflector); 25.94, 10.9 (B. H.
Granslo, Blindern, Norway, 0.20-m reflector); 28.17, 11.9 (Morris).

1990 May 11                    (5011)             Daniel W. E. Green

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