Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 5547: NGC 5548; gamma-RAY BURSTS

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                                                  Circular No. 5547
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 (for emergency use only)
TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM     EASYLINK 62794505

NGC 5548
     J. Penfold, Mount Royal College and University of Calgary,
writes:  "We have completed measurements of our May 5 spectrum of
NGC 5548 (cf. IAUC 5533) as well as another spectrum obtained at
the Dominion Astrophysical Observatory on June 3 by B. Hrivnak
(Valparaiso University).  These measurements are on the same system
as that used by Peterson et al. (1991, Ap.J. 368, 119).  A summary
of current results and comparison with some DAO results obtained
for the 1989 patrol are as follows, including the date, the
continuum flux at 487 nm (in units of 10E-15 erg sE-1 cmE-2 AE-1),
the H-beta flux (in units of 10E-13 erg sE-1 cmE-2), and FHWM at H-
beta (in nm):  1989 Feb. 6, 10.63, 8.93, 3.8; 1989 May 8, 13.61,
10.2, 4.8; 1992 May 5, 5.62, 2.43, 1.9; 1992 June 3, 6.72, 3.20,
1.9.  The appearance of the June spectrum indicates that the broad
H-beta component is strengthening but is still not strong enough to
consider that NGC 5548 has returned to its normal Seyfert 1.5 type."

K. Hurley, Space Sciences Laboratory, University of California,
Berkeley, on behalf of the Third Interplanetary Network team for
triangulation of cosmic gamma-ray bursts (M. Sommer, M. Boer, and
M. Niel for Ulysses; G. Fishman, C. Kouveliotou, C. Meegan, W.
Paciesas, and R. Wilson for BATSE of the Compton Observatory; E.
Fenimore, R.  Klebesadel, and J.  Laros for Pioneer Venus Orbiter;
and T. Cline for Ulysses and BATSE) reports the locations of 3
gamma-ray bursts in 1992 May.  The following error box coordinates are
quoted for equinox J2000.0:  May 1, earth-crossing time 76694.6 s,
R.A. = 8h15m20s, Decl. = -32 46'.5; R.A. = 8h15m50s, Decl. =
-32 51'.0; R.A. = 8h14m50s, Decl. = -32 40'.7; R.A. = 8h15m30s,
Decl. = -32 45'.2.  May 17, earth-crossing time 11875.2 s, R.A. =
13h23m40s, Decl. = -22 02'.8; R.A. = 13h24m50s, Decl. = -21 29'.3;
R.A. = 13h23m00s, Decl. = -22 16'.5; R.A. = 13h24m20s, Decl. =
-21 43'.8.  May 25, earth-crossing time 12426.8 s, R.A. = 20h09m50s,
Decl. = -43 38'.5; R.A. = 20h09m00s, Decl. = -43 32'.8; R.A. =
20h09m50s, Decl. = -43 34'.8; R.A. = 20h09m00s, Decl. = -43 29'.0.
Future analysis will reduce the sizes of these regions considerably,
but rapid multiwavelength follow-up observations are encouraged.

1992 June 19                   (5547)            Daniel W. E. Green

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