Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 5550: N Cyg 1992; N Sco 1992; 1992 KD

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 5550
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 (for emergency use only)
TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM     EASYLINK 62794505

     J. Krautter, Landessternwarte Heidelberg; H. Ogelman, University
of Wisconsin; and S. Starrfield, Arizona State University,
communicate:  "We report the detection of Nova Cyg 1992 in soft x-
rays with the ROSAT satellite on Apr. 22, 60 days after visual
maximum; the exposure time was 2560 s.  The count rate in the ROSAT
PSPC band was 0.02 +/- 0.003 counts/s.  All the detected photons
were above 0.7 keV, indicating a hard spectrum.  The observed flux
at the satellite in the 1- to 2-keV band corresponds to 2 x 10E-13
     Further visual magnitude estimates (cf. IAUC 5544):  June
13.97 UT, 8.5 (B. H. Granslo, Fjellhamar, Norway); 15.22, 7.8 (R.
Donner, Isla Vista, CA); 19.95, 8.5 (J. Ripero, Madrid, Spain);
20.90, 8.5 (A. Boattini, Florence, Italy); 21.23, 8.7 (W. G.
Dillon, Missouri City, TX); 21.91, 8.8 (M. Tombelli, Piazzano,

     W. H. Allen, Carter Observatory, reports that Nova Sco 1992
has again brightened, as indicated by the following photometry
obtained at the Adams Lane Observatory (cf. IAUC 5542, 5546):  June
16.45 UT, V = 8.79, B-V = +0.76, U-B = -0.19; 24.35, 8.16, +1.02,
-0.11; 25.37, 8.05, +1.04, -0.03.
     W. Liller, Vina del Mar, Chile, provides the following
additional unfiltered CCD magnitudes (comparison star SAO 227635; cf.
IAUC 5546):  June 15.20 UT, 7.66; 17.02, 7.97; 21.14, 8.12 (through
clouds); 23.01, 8.12.

1992 KD
     Ephemeris extension from orbital elements on MPC 20346:

1992 TT     R. A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong. Phase    V
June 17    15 14.63   + 5 08.8   0.428   1.348  133.9   32.9   16.2
     27    15 29.85   +11 14.5   0.504   1.369  125.0   37.5   16.7
July  7    15 45.54   +14 45.8   0.589   1.396  118.3   39.9   17.2
     17    16 01.83   +16 32.5   0.681   1.429  113.2   40.8   17.5
     27    16 18.71   +17 09.2   0.776   1.466  109.1   40.9   17.9
Aug.  6    16 36.26   +16 59.4   0.874   1.507  105.7   40.4   18.2
     16    16 54.50   +16 19.6   0.976   1.552  102.6   39.5   18.5
     26    17 13.37   +15 21.3   1.080   1.600   99.8   38.5   18.7
Sept. 5    17 32.86   +14 13.1   1.187   1.649   97.1   37.3   19.0
     15    17 52.89   +13 02.0   1.298   1.701   94.3   36.1   19.2

1992 June 26                   (5550)            Daniel W. E. Green

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