Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

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IAUC 6174: 1995N; N Aql 1995; X-RAY N 1993 IN Oph; TU Leo = (8)

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 6174
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
IAUSUBS@CFA.HARVARD.EDU or FAX 617-495-7231 (subscriptions)
Phone 617-495-7244/7440/7444     TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM

SUPERNOVA 1995N IN MCG -02-38-017
     P. Garnavich and P. Challis, Center for Astrophysics, write:
"A spectrogram of SN1995N was obtained by P. Berlind with the 1.5-m
Tillinghast telescope on May 24.3 UT.  In addition to the emission
lines listed by Benetti et al. (IAUC 6170), we identify unresolved
lines of [Ne III] at 389.2 and 399.3 nm; [O III] at 439.1 nm; He II
at 471.6 nm; and [O III] at 499.1 and 504.0 nm.  These last two [O
III] lines show a strong, broad component with a halfwidth of 4500
km/s.  However, no corresponding broad emission is detected around
[O III] at 439.1 nm.  The flux ratio of the auroral and nebular [O
III] lines implies a density in the narrow line region of > 10**6
electrons cmE-3."

     R. W. Argyle and L. V. Morrison, Royal Greenwich Observatory,
report an accurate optical position for N Aql 1995, obtained with
the Carlsberg Automatic Meridian Circle on La Palma and operated by
O. Einicke, C. Fabricius, and R. Villamil.  The position for equinox
J2000.0, FK5 reference frame (epoch 1995.37) is R.A. = 19h05m26s.636
+/- 0s.004, Decl. = -1o42'03".27 +/- 0".07, from 10 observations.

   E. A. Karitskaya, Institute of Astronomy, Russian Academy of
Sciences; and V. P. Goranskij, Sternberg State Astronomical
Institute, Moscow, communicate:  "V2293 Oph = GRS 1716-249 is
optically bright again.  Image-tube photometry with the 1-m
telescope of the Tien-Shan High-Altitude Observatory, Kazakhstan,
yields:  Apr. 24.875 UT, V = 17.6; 30.893, 17.7; May 10.917, 17.2
(accuracy +/- 0.3)."

     L. Schmadel, Astronomisches Rechen-Institut, Heidelberg; P.
Schmeer, Bischmisheim; and F. Borngen, Thuringer Landessternwarte,
Tautenburg, write that the presumed variability of TU Leo (R.A. =
9h27m.0, Decl. = +21o37', equinox 1950.0; suspected U-Gem type)
seems to be entirely attributed to the single observation of an
apparent brightening to B = 11 from its normal state as a G-type
star of B = 15.  They note that this observation, made at the
Moscow Observatory on 1917 Mar. 25.8 UT, was evidently of the minor
planet (8) Flora, which would then have been within 1' of the star.

1995 May 26                    (6174)            Daniel W. E. Green

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