Circular No. 6814
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
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XTE J0054-720
J. C. Lochner, Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) and
Universities Space Research Association (USRA); F. E. Marshall,
GSFC; L. A. Whitlock, GSFC and USRA; and N. Brandt, Pennsylvania
State University, note: "RXTE detected a new pulsating object
(period 169.30 s) on 1997 Dec. 17 in the direction of the Small
Magellanic Cloud; the object has a 2-10-keV flux of 6.0 x 10E-11
erg sE-1 cmE-2. Scans made across the region on Dec. 20 revealed a
single source located at R.A. = 0h54m.6, Decl. = -72o04', (equinox
2000.0; estimated error circle 10'). By this time, the source had
brightened to 8.3 x 10E-11 erg sE-1 cmE-2. Pulsations have
persisted in observations taken through 1998 Jan. 12, with a
monotonic decrease in the period to 168.40 s, and a decrease in the
flux to 3.3 x 10E-11 erg sE-1 cmE-2. Pulsations from XTE J0053-724
(IAUC 6788, 6789) and AX J0051-722 (IAUC 6803) persist in a number
of these observations. Simultaneous BeppoSAX and RXTE observations
of the region are planned for Jan. 28."
NGC 2060
G. Cusumano, M. C. Maccarone, T. Mineo, and B. Sacco, Istituto
di Fisica Cosmica con Applicazioni all'Informatica, CNR, Palermo,
report: "Analysis of archival data acquired with the MECS
instrument onboard the BeppoSAX X-ray Observatory confirms the RXTE
detection of pulsations in NGC 2060 (IAUC 6810). BeppoSAX observed
the LMC field on 1996 Oct. 25-26, and NGC 2060 was 16' off-axis in
the MECS field-of-view. In the energy band 2-10 keV, a pulsed
signal was detected with a period of 0.016114775(4) s (in agreement
with the extrapolated RXTE value); the folded lightcurve is has a
single peak; the observed pulsed countrate, 0.0037 +/- 0.0006
counts/s, corresponds to a flux of 5.9 x 10E-13 erg cmE-2 sE-1."
P. R. Holvorcem, Departamento de Matematica, Universidade
Estadual de Campinas, reports that the straight tail/antitail of
C/1995 O1 reported on IAUC 6812 is visible faintly on an image
obtained by co-adding three CCD exposures taken around Jan. 23.055
UT with a 0.20-m f/3.3 reflector. A relatively uniform
distribution of faint comet material is bounded by the tail and
antitail in p.a. about 21 and 197 deg, respectively, covering its
eastern side out to at least 15' from the nucleus and overlapping
most of the (much brighter) main dust tail. These images are
available at http://www.ime.unicamp.br/~holvorce
(C) Copyright 1998 CBAT
1998 January 28 (6814) Daniel W. E. Green
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