Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 7262: C/1999 S2; C/1999 N2

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 7262
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Mailstop 18, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
IAUSUBS@CFA.HARVARD.EDU or FAX 617-495-7231 (subscriptions)
URL http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iau/cbat.html  ISSN 0081-0304
Phone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 (for emergency use only)

     The following precise CCD positions have been reported:

     1999 UT             R.A. (2000) Decl.        m1    Observer
     Sept.21.56750    3 12 25.76   -63 53 48.2          Broughton
          21.61564    3 12 24.27   -63 53 57.6   15.2     "
          22.44744    3 11 58.03   -63 56 15.8   16.1   Griffin
          22.45176    3 11 57.59   -63 56 16.1   16.2     "
          22.46615    3 11 57.41   -63 56 19.1   16.1     "
          22.47189    3 11 57.11   -63 56 18.9            "

J. Broughton (Reedy Creek).  0.25-m f/6.7 Schmidt-Cassegrain.  Coma
   diameter about 20".
I. P. Griffin, M. Arthur, D. Wyers and L. Murphy (Auckland Observatory).
   0.50-m f/6.4 Cassegrain reflector.

     The following parabolic orbital elements are extremely uncertain:

     T = 2001 Aug. 18.896 TT          Peri. = 324.265
                                      Node  =  66.278   2000.0
     q = 6.83526 AU                   Incl. =  66.713

1999 TT     R. A. (2000) Decl.     Delta      r    Elong. Phase      m1
Sept.19     3 13.71    -63 46.3    7.845    8.199  107.2    6.7     15.6
     29     3 08.10    -64 12.5    7.819    8.165  106.8    6.7     15.6
Oct.  9     3 00.97    -64 28.9    7.802    8.131  105.8    6.8     15.6
     19     2 52.69    -64 33.3    7.794    8.097  104.2    6.9     15.5
     29     2 43.75    -64 23.8    7.796    8.063  102.1    6.9     15.5
Nov.  8     2 34.73    -63 59.7    7.805    8.030   99.6    7.0     15.5
     18     2 26.20    -63 20.5    7.823    7.997   96.6    7.1     15.5
     28     2 18.66    -62 27.3    7.846    7.964   93.3    7.1     15.5
Dec.  8     2 12.48    -61 21.4    7.875    7.932   89.7    7.1     15.5
     18     2 07.86    -60 04.7    7.907    7.900   86.0    7.1     15.5

COMET C/1999 N2 (LYNN)
     Total visual magnitude estimates: Aug. 13.88 UT, 7.6 (J. Carvajal,
Avila, Spain, 10 x 70 binoculars); 20.83, 8.1 (M. Lehky, Hradec
Kralove, Czech Republic, 0.20-m reflector); 30.14, 8.7 (R. Keen,
Mt. Thorodin, CO, 0.15-m reflector); Sept. 4.83, 9.9 (R. J. Bouma,
Lattrop, The Netherlands, 0.16-m reflector); 10.78, 11.2 (V. S. Nevski,
Vitebsk, Belarus, 0.30-m reflector); 15.78, 10.8 (K. Hornoch, Lelekovice,
Czech Republic, 0.35-m reflector).

                      (C) Copyright 1999 CBAT
1999 September 22              (7262)              Brian G. Marsden

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