Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 8356: COMET C/2004 L2 (LINEAR); C/2003 V8, W3-W8, X1-X4

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 8356
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Mailstop 18, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
IAUSUBS@CFA.HARVARD.EDU or FAX 617-495-7231 (subscriptions)
URL http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iau/cbat.html  ISSN 0081-0304
Phone 617-495-7440/7244/7444 (for emergency use only)

     An apparently asteroidal object reported by LINEAR (discovery
observation below), and posted on the 'NEO Confirmation Page', has
been found to show cometary appearance on CCD images taken by G.
Masi (Las Campanas, 0.35-m reflector, June 17.2 UT; round coma with
diameter 6"-8") and by J. E. McGaha (Tucson, AZ, 0.62-m reflector,
June 17.3; 5-min exposure shows a 10" coma and a 15" fan-shaped
tail in p.a. 300 deg).

     2004 UT             R.A. (2000) Decl.       Mag.
     June 11.35259   19 10 44.61   -27 36 24.0   19.2

The available astrometry, the following preliminary parabolic
orbital elements, and an ephemeris appear on MPEC 2004-M09.

     T = 2005 Nov. 16.015 TT          Peri. = 256.956
                                      Node  =  99.245   2000.0
     q = 3.80396 AU                   Incl. =  62.969

COMETS C/2003 V8, W3-W8, X1-X4 (SOHO)
     Further to IAUC 8354, K. Battams reports measurements for
additional Kreutz sungrazing comets found on SOHO website C2 images
by J. Sachs (C/2003 V8, W6), X.-m. Zhou (C/2003 W3, W7, X3), D.
Evans (C/2003 W4), M. Boschat (C/2003 W5, X2), G. Gallina (C/2003
W8), T. Hoffman (C/2003 X1), and R. Kracht (C/2003 X4).  C/2003 V8
and W6 were also visible on C3 images.  The reductions and orbital
elements by B. G. Marsden appear on the MPECs cited below.

  Comet         2003 UT          R.A. (2000) Decl.       MPEC
  C/2003 V8     Nov. 13.471      14 57.2   -21 23       2004-K54
  C/2003 W3          16.561      15 23.4   -20 12       2004-K54
  C/2003 W4          21.743      15 45.6   -21 32       2004-K54
  C/2003 W5          22.754      15 51.7   -21 54       2004-K54
  C/2003 W6          25.571      15 49.1   -26 06       2004-K55
  C/2003 W7          27.326      16 10.9   -22 47       2004-K55
  C/2003 W8          29.435      16 19.3   -22 58       2004-K55
  C/2003 X1     Dec.  1.160      16 28.1   -23 26       2004-K55
  C/2003 X2           1.561      16 32.4   -23 38       2004-K55
  C/2003 X3           2.201      16 33.1   -23 39       2004-K55
  C/2003 X4           4.601      16 43.7   -24 03       2004-L24

                      (C) Copyright 2004 CBAT
2004 June 17                   (8356)            Daniel W. E. Green

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