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Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 8537: P/2005 JY_126; 2005cg

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 8537
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Mailstop 18, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
IAUSUBS@CFA.HARVARD.EDU or FAX 617-495-7231 (subscriptions)
URL http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iau/cbat.html  ISSN 0081-0304
Phone 617-495-7440/7244/7444 (for emergency use only)

     Rik Hill reports his discovery of a comet on exposures taken
on June 7.32 UT with the 0.68-m Schmidt telescope in the course of
the Catalina Sky Survey, noting the object to be less distinct than
surrounding stars and elongated along a northeast-southwest axis.
C. W. Hergenrother, Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, writes that a
co-added 1200-s R-band exposure with the University of Arizona
1.54-m Kuiper telescope shows the object to have a condensed,
circular 15" coma and a thin, faint tail 35" long in p.a. 65 deg.
The observations were linked by the Minor Planet Center to the
apparently asteroidal object 2005 JY_126, a Catalina discovery
published on MPS 134992 (discovery observation given below).

     2005 UT             R.A. (2000) Decl.       Mag.
     May  12.31877   16 13 28.16   - 4 55 13.7   17.4

Additional astrometry (including prediscovery observations), the
following orbital elements, and an ephemeris appear on MPEC 2005-L36.

     T = 2006 Feb. 21.1195 TT         Peri. = 117.5648
     e = 0.433597                     Node  = 207.9705  2000.0
     q = 2.125789 AU                  Incl. =  20.2256
       a =  3.753138 AU    n = 0.1355540    P =   7.271 years

     E. S. Rykoff, University of Michigan, on behalf of the ROTSE
collaboration, reports the discovery of a supernova in unfiltered
CCD images taken on June 2.04 (at mag about 18.2) and 3.03 UT (mag
about 17.7) with the 0.45-m ROTSE-IIIc telescope at the 'High-
Energy Stereoscopic Systems' site in Namibia.  SN 2005cg is located
at R.A. = 21h10m50s.42, Decl. = +0o12'07".4 (equinox 2000.0), which
is 0".7 north and 0".4 west of the core of the apparent host galaxy
(which the Sloan Digital Sky Survey gives as mag g' = 19.7);
nothing is visible at this location on ROTSE-IIIc images taken on
May 7.14 (limiting mag about 18.4).  R. Quimby, University of Texas,
adds that a spectrum (range 420-890 nm), obtained on June 3.40 with
the 9.2-m Hobby-Eberly Telescope (+ Marcario Low-Resolution
Spectrograph) under very poor conditions by M. Shetrone and S.
Rostopchin, shows SN 2005cg to be a type-Ia supernova.  Taking
narrow emission lines at 677 and 501 nm to be H_alpha and H_beta
from the host galaxy gives a redshift of 9290 km/s (yielding an
absolute magnitude of -15.9 for the host galaxy).

                      (C) Copyright 2005 CBAT
2005 June 7                    (8537)            Daniel W. E. Green

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