Circular No. 3244 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM Telephone 617-864-5758 SUPERNOVA IN MCG 10-16-117 Gisler and Mould, Kitt Peak National Observatory, report that this supernova (cf. IAUC 3242) is of type II. A spectrogram obtained on July 7.1 UT showed broad H-alpha, H-beta and H-gamma in emission, with strong P-Cyg profiles. COMET MEIER (1978f) The following precise positions have been reported: 1978 UT R. A. (1950) Decl. Observer May 2.47558 7 24 31.69 +52 34 54.6 Sei 2.48160 7 24 32.11 +52 34 50.2 " 5.46626 7 28 05.52 +51 51 40.0 " 5.47222 7 28 05.86 +51 51 36.1 " 7.54330 7 30 39.10 +51 21 30.2 Kurosaki 7.56008 7 30 40.50 +51 21 16.9 " 14.48472 7 39 40.26 +49 40 04.3 " 14.48750 7 39 40.73 +49 40 01.6 " 15.47745 7 41 00.90 +49 25 28.1 Sei 25.80113 7 55 39.88 +46 51 21.4 Chernykh 25.81850 7 55 41.40 +46 51 04.4 " June 9.80303 8 18 47.21 +42 57 57.9 " 9.80928 8 18 47.86 +42 57 51.8 " S. Sei (Chirorin-mura, Nagano). 16-cm f/2.5 Schmidt camera. Long. = -137o53'35", Lat. = +36o45'41", h = 670 m. Measurer: T. Urata. From Nihondaira Obs. Circ. No. 999. T. Kurosaki (Utsunomiya). From Yamamoto Circ. No. 1888. N. S. Chernykh and V. P. Tarashchuk (Crimean Astrophysical Obs.). Total visual magnitude estimates: July 1.10 UT, 8.4 (J. Bortle, Brooks Observatory, 20 x 80 binoculars); 2.10, 8.8 (P. Maley, Houston, Texas, 15-cm refractor); 4.12, 8.6 (Maley); 6.10, ~ 8.3 (C. S. Morris, Prospect Hill Observatory, 20 x 80 binoculars); 8.10, ~ 8.6 (D. W. E. Green, Prospect Hill Observatory, 20 x 80 binoculars). ASTROGRAM CAM /= SATELLITE CAM Repeating the notice on IAUC 3231, we request that those contributing information use the TWX number 710-320-6842 (answerback ASTROGRAM CAM), not the Smithsonian's telex number. 1978 July 12 (3244) Brian G. Marsden
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