Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

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IAUC 8902: P/2006 W4 = P/1993 D1; V597 Pup

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 8902
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Mailstop 18, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
IAUSUBS@CFA.HARVARD.EDU or FAX 617-495-7231 (subscriptions)
URL http://www.cfa.harvard.edu/iau/cbat.html  ISSN 0081-0304
Phone 617-495-7440/7244/7444 (for emergency use only)

COMET P/2006 W4 = P/1993 D1 (HILL)
     S. Foglia, R. Matson, and M. Tombelli report the
identification of "precovery" images of comet P/2006 W4 (cf. IAUC
8779), aided by the orbital elements published on MPEC 2007-X14
[with indicated Delta(T) = +1.06 days when run back to 1992], and
their astrometric measurements are provided below from the trails
on the two U.K. Schmidt Telescope plates.

     1993 UT             R.A. (2000) Decl.
     Feb. 26.53282    9 44 59.08   -34 38 11.0
          26.57795    9 44 57.60   -34 38 01.8
     Apr.  5.58208   13 04 38.14   -37 52 27.4
           5.62375   13 04 36.85   -37 52 15.9

The following orbital elements by B. G. Marsden are from 92
observations, 1993-2007 (mean residual 0".6):

                    Epoch = 1992 June 27.0 TT
     T = 1992 June 21.6666 TT         Peri. = 247.5818
     e = 0.314858                     Node  = 243.4600  2000.0
     q = 4.416239 AU                  Incl. =  36.2938
       a =  6.445725 AU    n = 0.0602277    P =  16.36 years

                    Epoch = 2009 Jan.  9.0 TT
     T = 2009 Jan. 21.0916 TT         Peri. = 249.6184
     e = 0.314866                     Node  = 243.2496  2000.0
     q = 4.438583 AU                  Incl. =  36.3618
       a =  6.478413 AU    n = 0.0597725    P =  16.49 years

     R. J. Rudy, R. W. Russell, and D. K. Lynch, The Aerospace
Corporation; and C. E. Woodward, University of Minnesota, report
0.8- to 2.5-micron spectroscopy of this nova (cf. IAUC 8895, 8896)
using the Infrared Telescope Facility (+ SpeX) on Nov. 30.54 UT.
V597 Pup was in its early stage of development.  He I 1.0830-
microns was very strong, as was He I 20581-microns.  The O I lines
were strong, and Brackett-gamma showed a
doubled line profile.  There was no evidence of He II lines or thermal
emission from dust.  The FWHM of the lines was approximately 3900 km/s.
     Visual magnitude estimates by A. Amorim, Florianopolis, Brazil:
Nov. 16.047 UT, 8.1; 20.041, 9.7; 22.078, 9.8; 23.040, 10.0.

                      (C) Copyright 2007 CBAT
2007 December 4                (8902)            Daniel W. E. Green

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